Yeast acne or fungal acne, many people may have experienced a rash similar to small pimples, itchy, but no matter how you treat the acne, it doesn’t go away. Let’s get to know what yeast acne is, its causes and symptoms, and how to cure it completely.
What is yeast acne?
Yeast acne or fungal acne is an easy-to-understand term because the rash found on the skin looks similar to acne and is caused by fungus. But in fact, in medicine, this disease is called “fungal folliculitis” (Malassezia folliculitis or Pityrosporum folliculitis). Which may occur alone or together with general acne caused by hormonal changes or bacterial infections.
What causes yeast acne?
As mentioned, yeast acne is caused by fungi. The main cause of this disease is the yeast fungus in the group “Malassezia species” which is normally found on our skin. But if the fungus grows abnormally, it will cause many skin diseases. At the very least, it is inflamed hair follicles. But if it gets more severe, it can be ringworm or dandruff. Factors that cause this ทางเข้า ufabet type of fungus to grow abnormally include:
- People with oily skin who sweat easily, as the oil on the skin is food for yeast.
- People who have clogged pores from using skin care products
- Wearing clothes that do not breathe, especially synthetic fabrics, causes excessive sweating, which is where yeast that loves warm, humid weather thrives.
- Long-term use of antibiotics (both oral and topical) causes the drugs to kill the bacteria, but allows fungi to grow instead.
- Using cosmetics that contain steroids or taking steroid medications
- People with low immunity, stress or fatigue may be more likely to develop fungal folliculitis.
Yeast acne: what are its symptoms and characteristics?
Fungal folliculitis may look similar to acne, so people often mistake it for acne. Fungal acne or yeast acne mostly occurs on the skin on the chest and back, but can also occur on the shoulders, neck, and face. It appears as a rash of small bumps, approximately 1-2 millimeters in diameter. When Malassezia fungi grow abnormally in the hair follicles, it causes inflammation and turns into red bumps, which may also have pustules, but it does not have the characteristics of acne. Another obvious symptom is itching in the affected area, especially during hot and humid weather or when you have to do more activities or exercise, which is different from general acne, which does not usually itch.
How to treat yeast acne for good
If the doctor diagnoses fungal folliculitis or yeast acne, treatment usually starts with oral medication because it is more effective than topical medication and can spread to the hair follicles, which are deep in the dermis. However, it can affect hormones, liver function, and the digestive tract. Therefore, the use of antifungal medications should be under close supervision of a doctor. Topical medications such as Ketoconazole Cream are often used as an additional treatment with oral medication or after the rash has disappeared to prevent recurrence. The treatment period is approximately 1-2 months or more, depending on the severity of the disease.
What not to eat for yeast acne?
Many people may wonder if they have yeast acne and should not eat bread. I would like to tell you that avoiding the cause is more direct, such as avoiding antibiotics, birth control pills, water with chlorine, and foods with high sugar content. Because all of these things make yeast and fungus grow well in the body, resulting in fungal acne. In addition, if you do not want to have other acne, you should avoid greasy, fried foods, cheese, butter, and milk first. Because these foods can easily stimulate acne inflammation.
How to care for and prevent yeast acne and fungal acne
Yeast acne cannot be prevented 100 percent. But if you don’t want to get yeast acne, fungal acne, or if you’ve had it before and don’t want it to happen again, here are some easy tips to prevent it:
1. Always clean your face and body or use antifungal soap and shampoo to help control the growth of fungus on the skin.
2. If you sweat a lot, you should wipe the sweat on your face or body often. If convenient, carry a shirt to change into.
3. Avoid wearing makeup, sunscreen, and any type of skincare products that are at risk of clogging your pores.
4. Eating probiotics such as yogurt, vegetables, fruits, miso soup can also help the body fight against abnormal fungal growth.